Campus Director

Gage Dayton
Administrative Director
UC Santa Cruz Natural Reserves
Reserves Staff

Alex Jones
UCSC Campus Natural Reserve

Elizabeth Howard
Younger Lagoon Reserve

Joe Miller
Fort Ord Natural Reserve

Patrick Robinson
Año Nuevo Reserve

Mark Readdie
Resident Director
Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve

Chad Moura
Santa Cruz Mountains Reserve

Vaughan Williams
Restoration Field Manager
Younger Lagoon Reserve

Eric Medina
Research, Education, Outreach, and Restoration Steward
Younger Lagoon Reserve

Summer Alinaeem
UCSC Natural Reserves Field Researcher

Sean McStay
Lead Reserve Steward
Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve

Mackneal Byers
Reserve Steward
Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve

Feynner Arias
Reserve Steward Emeritus
Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve

Nora Grant
Lead Resource Attendant/Weed Management
Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve

Thomas Savoie
Assistant Steward
Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve

Samantha Montejano
UCSC Natural Reserves Field Researcher
UC Santa Cruz Natural Reserves Advisory Committee
The committee provides oversight of on and off campus natural reserves of instructional and research interest. It is responsible for developing program vision and policy for the management and use of the UCSC Campus Reserve, Santa Cruz Mountains Reserve, and of the four UC Natural Reserves System holdings: Año Nuevo Island Reserve, Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve, Younger Lagoon Reserve and Fort Ord Reserve. The committee coordinates with the system-wide NRS Advisory Committee that advises on policy for all NRS reserves.
Faculty Advisors

Don Croll
Faculty Director of the UC Santa Cruz Natural Reserves

Karen Holl
Faculty Advisor
Younger lagoon Reserve

Peter Raimondi
Faculty Advisor
Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve

Daniel Costa
Faculty Advisor
Año Nuevo Reserve

Greg Gilbert
Faculty Advisor
UCSC Campus Natural Reserve

Chris Wilmers
Faculty Advisor
Santa Cruz Mountains Reserve

Laurel Fox
Faculty Advisor
Fort Ord Natural Reserve
Staff and Non-Senate Advisors

Chris Lay
Administrative Director and Lecturer
Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History

Sylvie Childress
UC Santa Cruz Greenhouses
Graduate Students
to be announced
Undergraduate Students

Anabelle Carter
Undergraduate Student
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology